Wien Modern, Premiere for Third String Quartet of Gerd Kühr

Wien Modern, Premiere for Third String Quartet of Gerd Kühr

Klosterneuburg Schömer-Haus, Aufeldstrasse 17–23
Gerd Kühr Moments Musicaux pour quatuor à cordes. Third String Quartet (2023-2024 Premiere, commissioned by Karlheinz and Agnes Essl Private Foundation)
Gerd Kühr For string quartet (1980-1981)
Gerd Kühr Con Sordino for two violins, viola and violoncello (1995-1996)
Hannah Eisendle mastering silence for string quartet (2013)
Lorenzo Troiani Sanguinante. In nomine for string quartet (2014)

Curated by Gerd Kühr and Pacific Quartet Vienna |
Production Freundeskreis und Förderverein des Pacific Quartet Vienna | Co-operation Wien Modern
The private art collection of Agnes and Karlheinz Essl is accessible before and after the concert.

Entry: EUR 5 with Festivalpass / EUR 30 (reduced <30: EUR 20) at the evening box office

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Wien Modern, Premiere for Third String Quartet of Gerd Kühr

Klosterneuburg Schömer-Haus, Aufeldstrasse 17–23